Sanditon is a British historical period drama television series adapted by Andrew Davies from an unfinished manuscript by Jane Austen and starring Rose Williams and Theo James in the lead roles. Set during the Regency Period, the plot follows a young and naive heroine as she navigates the new seaside resort of Sanditon.
The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 25 August 2019 in eight parts, and then aired on PBS in the United States, which supports the production, as part of its Masterpiece anthology. Due to the unfinished nature of the novel (Austen only completed eleven chapters in her lifetime), the original work is used for the majority of the first episode, and then Davies used the developed characters to complete the story. Set in a seaside town during a time of social change, at the time of her death in 1817 Austen had completed 24,000 words of the novel.